Main Office: Upland DR, Houston, TX
You served your country to the best of your ability. Get ALL the benefits you deserve. LC Veteran Benefits specializes in VA disability benefits and more.
We help disabled and retired U.S. veterans maximize and get the most out their their VA benefits.
We help veterans with certificates and paperwork at home and abroad, as well as other services.
We help with passports, wills, marriage and family related documents & certificates, etc.
We are licensed to handle your flight reservations and travel related needs in several countries.
Not all disabilities are easily visible. Some are hidden from view. If you want or need someone to talk to, get in touch with us and we’ll help you find your options for care.
We are veteran owned and operated. We speak your language and understand your needs.
Work with us via the web or at our convenient locations around the world.
Our managers and staff will treat you with the respect you deserve.
We understand your desire for logical assistance towards achieving your goals.